Poor guy.
At least they didn't steal his mind, though..............
victim tied up and robbed in apartment .
by tamaryn waters .
democrat staff writer .
Poor guy.
At least they didn't steal his mind, though..............
yesterday during the sunday public talk the speaker was talking about the terrible conditions in the world and.
how jehovah does not like to see the terrible suffering such as disease and starvation any more than we do.
and how these bad conditions make jehovah feel bad.
Why can't Witnesses use the brains that God gave them?
Because they have willingly handed over their brains to the Watchtower BS.
Because, while they hypocrytically cast aspersions on other religious organizations, stating that their membership "just wants their ears tickled", the same is doubly true of the JWs.
Because they are taught that the GB is their mediator, not Christ.
Because they place the Watchtower BS above the Bble.
Because they are afraid to believe the Bible over the GB.
Because then they would have to search for real truth, not the ready made, mass produced, adulterated imitation "TRUF" the "society" feeds them.
i now have a life beyond jehovah's witnesses.
i am able to impact kids in their development into young adults who have risen above challenging circumstances.
these children are always impoverished but may be challenged in other ways, as well.. my job is to mold them into productive citizens, contributing adults.
Sounds like a rewarding career. Reminds me of: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27
So I'm curious as to how one:"help them make their parents the last poverty link in their family chain". Care to elaborate? I ask because I've seen rags to riches, riches to rags, and combinations of these occur numerous times.
Regardless, I'm happy that you've found happpiness, as you say, "deep-down happiness". Ditto here.
We're all brothers and sisters. Everyone. Everywhere.
in other words, if you can find a few errors in the bible, will you throw away the whole notion of the bible being "inspired by god".
example: if you find any error in the bible, will it take away the notion that killing is wrong, or stealing is wrong, .
so where do you draw the line, and accept certain biblical teachings and reject other biblical teachings?.
So it is inspired by God. Yet there are Scriptures (especially those written by Paul) that clearly state they were his, not the Lord's teachings:
If there are errors in the Bible from mistranslation, ambiguity, etc, then I have faith that God still got his point across.
There are those things that are necessary for salvation, which is a short list.
There are those things which are not profitable for salvation, which is a long list.
BA- A short list kinda guy.
after reading about puternuts (ari) suicide, and also reading about sabine and js losing their daughter to this cult, i think it would be a fitting memorial, so to speak, to write a list of all the people we know who died because of this cult.
i also know that cruzanheart lost her dad to it, too.
i'm sure there are many here that can make a list of suicides brought on by the shunning/threatening policies of the watchtower cult.
BA...... my Brother.......20........df-shunned .... 1970's- suicide
is the us government imperialistic?
is this why they have invaded iraq?
who will be the next victim nation?.
Why should I have to live in a counrty(sic) that is third world before I can critisize(sic) the US governmental policies?
Didn't state that- stated that you are presently guilty of those policies by way of benefit and association. As long as you benefit from those policies, you are being hypocritical by denouncing them without showing an understanding of why those policies exist in the first place- which is to allow you the standard of living you have become accustomed to. Get it? Biting the hand that feeds you?
And your(sic) right the world ain't perfect, what is, is, what is, and so recognition of the fact that being born in a country does not give that country ownership of you or anybody else, is what is, anything else is a distortion of facts. Nor does the fact that a particular government claims ownership of a piece of land imply they legitimately have ownership.
That is a re-statement of what I already stated: "Some here are so quick to point out (correctly) that the US, or any other government has no moral right to claim lands, and enforce rules, wage wars, etc."However, this is the real world, not the hypothetical, that we live in. Your claim to own a house or car is based on the real world, why this dichotomy of thought concerning the country you live in?
One must remember governments are only a very recent developement in the evolution of humans,
That one would be you, as I have read nothing believable that supports those claims.
who knows how long they will remain? And if thier(sic) existance was more benificial(sic) or harmful to life on this planet or not in the long run.
Agreed on that one.
has anyone ever come across anyone named jehovah?
i've known a lot of hispanics that are named jesus.
i went to zabasearch to see what i could find and it looks like there are few people with the family name jehovah for instance i found a "henry jehovah" and a paulette jehovah".
That could create some interesting situations:
Hi, this is Brother and Sister Jehovah!
The Jehovahs are coming for dinner!
Q: Knock, knock. Who is it? A: The Jehovahs.
Honey, those Jehovahs are at the door again!
What if they named their son Jesus?
Or if their son became President of the Watchtower Society?
Lots of possibilities........
ok' you're a productive hell bent jw, and i'm a "lost sheep" waiting to be guided by your spiritual knowledge.
preach to me... .
The prophesied end of this system is so near. If you don't study, accept, and get baptized as a JW, you will die at Armageddon!
Anyone who does not become a JW will die! Is that what you want? Look at the unity of the JWs- we all believe and teach the same thing! That's just like what Christ said, that we would all have "unity!" There's very little time left- accept a study now!!!
LISTEN TO THE GB OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(P.S.- where is the "vomiting" emoticon?)
is the us government imperialistic?
is this why they have invaded iraq?
who will be the next victim nation?.
There is something incredibly disingenuous, even cowardly, about living in a nation that is the dominant world power or its allies and not sharing in it's guilt as well as it's triumphs:
Guilt: Some here are so quick to point out (correctly) that the US, or any other government has no moral right to claim lands, and enforce rules, wage wars, etc. Yet that is the way humans are; if the US were not the world power waging war and inflicting wage slavery on it's "citizens" and other countries as well, another nation would take its place. And who is to say what disasters that nation would wreak?
Triumph: On the other hand, the citizens of the US and most of the Western world by association, enjoy a materialistic standard of living, a sense of security, that has rarely if ever been matched in history.
The two play off of each other- sadly. To allow more liberty to other nations, without controls on those other nations, means they potentially become threats to the dominant world power. Politics/Goverments/World economics/War is ugly but neccesary business.
All of us who live in prosperous western countries share the standard of living we have only because other nations are denied the same standard. We're all guilty by extension.
Wanna bad mouth the country you live in? Then perhaps you should consider the alternative- move to the third world and in time you'll find enough to complain about there as well.
This "world" ain't perfect- it is what it is.
Pick your poison.
skadi .
Fire. (Dievas)